Sojourners is taking a summer break starting Wednesday, June 26. We will return later in the Summer with a new study. Enjoy the summer and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about the fellowship in the meantime.
The first Wednesday of every month we forego study and spend the entire meeting in prayer.
Join your fellow Sojourners for a mid-week pause to focus on abiding with God, growing in our understanding of His Word, and sharing our ideas and lives through discussion and prayer. New to the church or been attending for years? Our group is always open, whether you can join every week or only make it now and then, we welcome you into our community.
Study begins at 7:00 and we transition to prayer around 8:00. Meetings are held on zoom. (Meeting ID: 249 122 2044 Password: 24680).
Have questions about the study or looking to connect with the group? Please contact Katelin Bartley (