Author : bartley2022

Refugee Ministry

RCCC has partnered with Refugee Hope Partners to reach out and minister to the refugee community in the Cary/Raleigh area.  By engaging and “adopting” a refugee family we aim to build life-long, faith-based relationships.  Anyone with a heart to serve would be welcomed and encouraged to participate in the ministry for the Kingdom of Christ.  Opportunities […]

Bridge Fellowship

Bridge (noun) – a time, place, or means of connection or transition; Bridge (noun) – something that joins or connects different people or things; Bridge (verb) the divisions between the two groups; Bridge (verb) the generation gap. Bridge Fellowship creates a time, place, and means of connection to bring brothers and sisters across all generations at […]

RCCC Community Events

Periodically through the year our congregation will gather for special community events. Our last event was the Annual Memorial Day Picnic. There are no future events planned at this time. Please contact Sarah McBrayer with any questions ( Past Community Events Monday, May 27th. Memorial Day Picnic. Friday, January 19. Dinner at CAVA followed by […]

What We Are Studying

At RCCC we desire to be disciples and make disciples of Christ. To put action behind that desire we have opportunities throughout the week to meet and grow together through the study of God’s word. We hope you’ll get plugged into one or many of the fellowship opportunities that fit your schedule and stage of […]

Sunday Service

What to expect at our Sunday Church Gathering Sundays are an opportunity for us to gather as what the Bible calls the Church. In our gatherings, we focus on the Lord (Father, Son, and Spirit), engage His Word (the Bible), and enjoy the fellowship of brothers, sisters, and friends (the Body of Christ). Sunday School […]

English Events

Looking for places to study the scriptures or connect with brothers and sisters throughout the week? Between bible study, fellowships, and sports there is always something going on in our congregation. Sundays9:30 -10:45 am Growing Sunday School Pastor Rob ( Sundays11:15 am – 12:30 pm Sunday Worship Pastor Rob ( Mondays7:30 – 9:30 pm Basketball […]


Sojourners is taking a summer break starting Wednesday, June 26. We will return later in the Summer with a new study. Enjoy the summer and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions about the fellowship in the meantime. The first Wednesday of every month we forego study and spend the entire meeting […]

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