Youth Ministry
The goal of the RCCC Youth Ministry is to help students in Grades 6-12 to “own their faith” in Jesus Christ and grow in their daily walk and relationship with Him. The youth ministry provides opportunities for worship, Bible study, discipleship, service, and fellowship. Students meet weekly for Friday Youth Group, Youth Sunday School, and Worship.
ESL Ministry
The goal of the ESL ministry is to show the love of Christ through helping English As a Second Language students gain the necessary skills needed to communicate effectively in English so that they will be able to live and survive in American society and culture.
Children Ministry
The goal of the Children Ministry is to promote the education of knowing , growing and showing the new life of following Jesus Christ. We have dynamic programs for children ages new born to grade 5 during our Sunday morning and Friday night. We want to partner with parents, and help make a great impact on the children in our church family and community.
Awana Ministry
The goal of the Awana ministry is to introduce the Gospel of Jesus Christ to children and make them disciples of Christ through exciting activities and programs. Awana program take place Friday nights from 7:45pm to 9:30pm. The Awana meeting includes but not limited to the following activities: opening ceremony, large group time (singing, Bible lesson, testimonies, award presentations), handbook time (clubbers meet with leaders in a small group setting, game time (fun, high-energy activities aiming at building up clubbers’ good character.)
Sunday School Ministry
The goal of the RCCC Sunday school ministry is to systematically teach the Bible, from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Courses are designated into four tracks: seeker course, new believer courses, practical theology courses, and Bible books study. Sunday courses are offered every Sunday morning after our worship services to three age groups: children, youth, adults.
NCSU Ministry
RCCC reaches out to students of NCSU and designates resources to develop the NCSU students fellowship. The NCSU student fellowship meets at the Avent Ferry Methodist Church every Friday night, dinner is prepared for students at 6:30pm, meeting ends at 8:30pm (singing, Bible study time and seeker’s classes). The goal of the ministry is to provide friendship building opportunities among students, and to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our program offers a student oriented approach for evangelizing and discipleship training. The final goal is to integrate students into the body of the Church, and equip them for Christian service.
Senior Ministry
RCCC is a church for people of all ages, and has a special ministry aimed at meeting the needs of the seniors. Mandarin “Evergreen Fellowship” meets at 10:00am on Thursday, Cantonese Ji-En fellowship meets every other Saturday morning at 10:00am. English “Men of Grace” also meets every other Saturday. RCCC actively reaches out to seniors in the community and promotes serving opportunities for seniors in church sponsored activities.
Newcomers Ministry
RCCC wholeheartedly welcomes newcomers. We will do our best to build friendship with those who are willing and help to integrate them into church programs/groups. However, the newcomers ministry fully respects the will of the newcomers on how much they want to be involved.
Small Group Ministry
Small group ministry is designed to achieve dual purposes: Relationship building and study of the Bible. Special topics and special events will occasionally be organized in small group meetings. The emphasis of the Bible study program in small groups is application of the Bible through discussions. Members can select the one that fits their needs. There are small groups in the Mandarin congregation, Cantonese congregation and English congregation.