
June 1, 2021 Update

With the overall pandemic conditions further improved in the State, the church has now moved into the Stage 2 reopening for in-person services on June 1, 2021.  Stage 2 includes ALL people (vaccinated and unvaccinated) who follow the same safety procedures set forth in Stage 1.  People who are properly wearing face masks can attend worship services and other meetings (see below for details).  The following is a rundown of the current list:
  • Mandarin and English Sunday worship services are open for in-person attendance
  • Cantonese Sunday worship service will announce their in-person reopening date later
  • “Hybrid” adult Sunday school classes are to be determined by the responsible teachers and language deacons together
  • Small-group meetings and fellowship gatherings are to be determined by the responsible leaders and language deacons together
  • In-person youth and children programs are under evaluation at this time
Please continue to remain vigilant and recognize that attending church services in person is a personal and family decision.  Follow the Self ChecklistRCCC COVID Guidelines, and sign up practice set forth in Stage 1.  Take full responsibilities of minimizing your own risk for the COVID-19 transmission exposures by attending service in person. On-site sign-in is also provided if you could not sign-up beforehand.  These procedures are put in place together by RCCC to help your safeguard as well as for the co-workers in serving our Lord during the pandemic.   
Please stay tuned for future updates.
隨著本州疫情逐漸全面改善,教會已於 2021 年 6 月 1 日 開始第二階段實體聚會 。第二階段開放給遵守第一階段防護措施的所有人(包含已經接種疫苗注射和沒有接種疫苗的人)。所有佩戴合適口罩的會衆都可以參加實體的主日崇拜及其他聚會(詳情見下)以下是目前的情況一覽:

● 華語和英語主日崇拜開放實體聚會
● 粵語主日崇拜將稍後公佈其實體聚會開放日期
● 同時實體及在線上授課的成人主日學班,由老師和語言堂執事共同決定如何開放
● 小組和團契聚會由小組組長/團長和語言堂執事共同決定如何開放
● 目前正在評估青少年團契和兒童的實體聚會
請繼續保持警覺,並認知參加實體聚會是個人和各個家庭的決定。參考自我檢查表和RCCC COVID準則,並如第 1 階段中規定的做法在教會網站登記。請盡自己的責任以降低實體參加崇拜傳播病毒的風險。如果您無法事先登記,也可以在現場登記。這些規定由 RCCC 制定,目的是保護您和在疫情期間事奉主的同工。

April 13, 2021 Update

The Church Council, based on the responses from the online survey and the progress of preparation, have decided to reopen the Church for stage 1 in-person services on Sunday, May 2, 2021.  Congregations may further adjust the date to fit their situations. People who are fully vaccinated plus anyone who must be there to support the service can sign up here to attend Sunday adult Worship services in-person 
Attending church services in person is a personal and family decision. Please follow this Self Checklist to help you assess whether to attend church services in person once available, as well as for you to comply with the RCCC COVID Guidelines while attending the services in person. Individuals attending service in person must take full responsibilities of minimizing their own risk for COVID transmission exposures.  
Please stay tuned for the reopening dates of further stages.
教會議會根據會衆問卷調查回應以及準備工作進度,決定將於5月2日正式開放第一階段實體聚會服務各堂 可以進一步調整開放日期以適應其個別情況。已經完成疫苗注射的個人和須要到場服事的同工可以在此事先登記參加實體成人主日崇拜。
親自參加教堂實體聚會是個人和家庭的決定。這份實體聚會自我檢查是為了幫助您評估是否應該參加實體聚會,以及在您參加實體聚會時需遵守的規則 (RCCC COVID Guidelines)參加實體聚會服務的個人必須承擔全部責任,儘量降低自己可能碰到COVID傳播的風險。

Mar 19, 2021 Update

The Church Council w/ guidance from the Community Health and Contingency Planning Committee (CHCPC) have decided to continue meeting virtually as a Church through the end of the year, 2021. As the pandemic situation eases and is recommended by CHCPC, the Church Council is preparing for a staged reopening of the Church for in-person services based on the RCCC COVID-19 Guidelines provided by CHCPC. Please answer our online survey to help us prioritize and organize the implementation work for the reopening.

Attending church services in person is a personal and family decision. Please follow this Self Checklist to help you assess whether to attend church services in person once available, as well as for you to comply with the RCCC COVID Guidelines while attending the services in person. Individuals attending service in person must take full responsibilities of minimizing their own risk for COVID transmission exposures.

Please stay tuned for the announcement of the reopening date.

教會議會根據社區衛生和應急計劃委員會(CHCPC)提議,決定將持續直播主日崇拜與線上聚會直到2021年年底,並將視疫情緩和情況,根據CHCPC提供的實體聚會 COVID 防疫準則,分階段重新開教實體聚會。 請至此處回答一份問卷調查,以幫助我們確定優先順序及必要準備工作。

親自參加教堂實體聚會是個人和家庭的決定。這份實體聚會自我檢查表是為了幫助您評估是否應該參加實體聚會,以及在您參加實體聚會時需遵守的規則 (RCCC COVID Guidelines)。參加實體聚會服務的個人必須承擔全部責任,儘量降低自己可能碰到COVID傳播的風險。


Feb 16, 2021 Update

The Church Council w/ guidance from the Community Health and Contingency Planning Committee have decided to continue meeting virtually as a Church through Easter Sunday April 4th, 2021.  We continue to monitor the virus counts and risk levels to determine the opening date.

Dec 12, 2020 Update

In light of the rising COVID counts in NC, we have decided to continue meeting virtually as a Church through Feb 21st, 2021.

Oct 31, 2020 Update

Church Council with the guidance of the Community Health and Contingency Planning Committee have decided to meet online through Zoom and YouTube (Live Streaming) for the month of November and December and Jan 3rd, 2021’s Sunday service will also be Live Streamed.  We will make a determination for the month of January at a later time.  Please see this page for the most recent information.

Sept 26, 2020 update

We will continue to meet online as a Church through the month of October including the 1st Sunday of November.  This is to ensure the safety of our fellow brothers and sisters during the time of COVID-19.  The newly formed Community Health and Contingency Planning Committee (CHCPC) will help create guidelines, prepare the Church and assist CC in determining when the Church is ready for re-opening. Until then, we will “see” you on YouTube for Live Streaming Sundays and Zoom for virtual meetings.

為了保護 RCCC弟兄姐妹 在COVID-19期間的安全 , 整個十月份和十一月的第一個主日, 教會將繼續線上聚會 。 新成立的社區衛生和應急計劃委員會(CHCPC)將幫助制定準則,讓教會做準備並協助CC確定教會何時可以重新開放。 在此之前,我們仍將在YouTube上的Life Streaming 或Zoom 上“看到”您。

July 25, 2020 update

In the Church Council meeting today (7/25) we have assessed the risk level and situation regarding the COVID.  As much as we would like to re-open the Church we feel it’s prudent to stay with online services (Youtube and Zoom) for at least the month of August AND September.  We will continue to evaluate at each CC meeting.

June 20, 2020 update

Given the current COVID-19 risks levels, we plan to continue Live Streaming and have Zoom meetings until the overall situation has stabilized.  In our next Church Council meeting on July 25th we will evaluate and confirm the re-opening of our Church and discuss the details of how the re-opening will happen.

May 22, 2020 update

The Church leaders met together to discuss the plans for “re-opening” RCCC in the midst of the latest news developments from NCDHHS and other sources. Although Churches are exempt from the restrictions mentioned in NC Governor’s executive order 141, the leaders are continuing the policy to do Live Streaming for our Sun services and meeting online via Zoom for our small/prayer groups. We probably will continue this policy until the end of June. We will continually evaluate the situation and update the Church website if any changes are made.

March 13, 2020 update

Dear RCCC brothers and sisters,

Today our Church leadership team (CC + Pastors and Ministers) made the decision to suspend our Fri evening (March 13th , 20 th and 27th ) and Sunday morning “in person” gatherings for the next three Sundays (March 15th , 22nd and 29th) to help curb the spread of the coronavirus.

We don’t take this decision lightly as we value meeting together but we also want to be wise and listen to the advice of CDC and NC Gov’s DHHS which as of yesterday stepped up its response to the virus ( to cancel or postpone meetings with over 100 people.

Here is what to expect from RCCC from now till the end of March

  • No more on-site services, including 3 language Sunday Services, Sunday Schools, Youth programs, AWANA, children programs, and fellowship.
  • Live Streaming will be used for Sunday Services and available on YouTube (both live and recorded for watching later).
  • Adult Sunday Schools and fellowships are all using online Zoom meeting.
  • There will be no Wed night prayer meetings, Youth, AWANA and children programs during this time
  • Cantata practices are cancelled until further notice

As to how to watch the live streaming on Sundays and participate in Sunday School / fellowships using Zoom, we will post the details and updates on the church website  We will continue to monitor the situation and reassess our April meetings.

With these times of adversity, we want to acknowledge that the Lord is sovereign and is more than able to see us through. May we continue to be His hands and feet as the body of Christ.


RCCC leadership team
