English Sermons Cantonese Sermons February 23rd, 2020: Pastor Alan Liang [亂世中如何過聖潔的生活?] 但以理書 1:1-4; 8,9, 14-16 ; 提摩太後書 2:20-22 February 16th, 2020: Pastor Alan Liang [教會如何興旺福音] 腓利比書 1:3-6 , 12-14,27 February 9th, 2020: Brother Feng Jiao [改變不能改變的] 使徒行傳 9: 1-22 February 2nd, 2020: Pastor Alan Liang [如何為基督而活]
English Sermons Cantonese Sermons December, 15th, 2019: Pastor Alan Liang 「耶穌的養父義人約瑟」 December, 8th,2019: Christmas Cantata December, 1st, 2019: Brother Feng Jiao「福音與跟隨」
English Sermons Cantonese Sermons October 27th, 2019: Pastor Alan Liang [另有一個心志的迦勒] October 20th, 2019: Pastor Alan Liang [以色列國第一任君王 糊塗的掃羅王] October 13th, 2019: Pastor Alan Liang [向來沒有走過的一條路] October 6th, 2019: 陳文逸牧師 [成為復興的器皿]
English Sermons Cantonese Sermons August 25th, 2019: Pastor Alan Liang [約瑟的美夢成真, 高超的生命] August 18th, 2019: Pastor Alan Liang [基督徒的自由] August 11th, 2019: Pastor Jerry Miller 過河進入上帝應許之地] August 4th, 2019: Pastor Alan Liang [保羅使徒職責的崇高]
English Sermons Cantonese Sermons June 30th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 建立神的家(五) 竭力保守教會合一 June 23rd, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 約翰福音信心之旅系列 (四) 恩典的秘訣 June 16th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 父親的訓誨 June 9th, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 脱舊換新 – 心志的翻轉 June 2nd, 2019: Pastor Job Lee 建立神的家(六) 各按承職後此建造
April 28th, 2019: 詹请泰长老 — 神已經啟示我們 April 14th, 2019: 李光陵牧師 — 建立神的家(二)一起來建造神的家 April 7, 2019: 李光陵牧師 — 建立神的家(一)拆毀隔斷的牆
WHY: Make a drawing for global missions awareness to share JESUS to everyone, everywhere Theme: Be Encouraged and Not Faint! WHO: For all ages young and old WHEN: April 7, 2019 Sign up: Name, age, grade or adult (18+), contact info Pick up these rules and 1 drawing sheet Drop off by: April 28, deadline, […]
2019年北卡羅來納聯合培靈會 - 馮秉誠牧師
March 29, 2019: 馮秉誠 牧師 培靈會 March 30, 2019: 馮秉誠牧師 — 失居所的漂泊 March 30, 2019: 馮秉誠牧師 — 基督裡的恩寵 March 31, 2019: 馮秉誠牧師 — 認識基督
2019 春季成人主日学
春季成人主日學(2019 年 3-5 月) 安排已就緒。 華語主日學(11:15am-12:30pm) 詩篇(8:30-9:15am)禱告室 生命的探索(133-135 教室) 跨越生命(141 教室) 以賽亞書下(132-134 教室) 馬太福音下(136-140 教室) 比翼雙飛(127 教室) 粵語主日學(11:15am-12:30pm) 慕道班(143 教室) 以斯拉記(139 教室) 教牧書信(137 教室) 詳情請參閱圖書館門口單張。