2018 July Sermons

Chinese Services

July 1st, 2018:  Pastor Alan Liang  《保羅生命中的轉機》

July 8th, 2018:  蔡孟彣牧師《父親的祝福》瑪拉基書 4:1-6

July 15th, 2018:  黃力夫長老《永恒的答問》 John 3 : 1-15

July 22nd, 2018: Pastor Alan Liang  《保罗的两难之间》

July 29th, 2018:  Brother Alex Zhong  《返璞歸真》(傳道書系列之十一)


English Services

July 1st, 2018: Paul Bucknell 《The Goal and Glory of Chris an Discipleship》Philippians 1:6

July 8th, 2018:Pastor Gary Lee, “Life in the Father’s House”, Series:  Blueprints for the Church – 1 Timothy 5:1-2 (Part 23) 

July 15th, 2018:Pastor Gary Lee, “Biblical Wisdom Wisely Applied To Widow”, Series:  Blueprints for the Church – 1 Timothy 5:3-8 (Part 24)

July 22nd, 2018:  Pastor Randall,  《Move For Missions》, Ezekiel 33:1-6

July 29th, 2018:Pastor Gary Lee, “Biblical Wisdom Wisely Applied To Widow”, Series:  Blueprints for the Church – 1 Timothy 5:9-16 (Part 25)

2018 July Sermons
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